Thursday 28 September 2017

How to fix upper cross syndrome:

1. Postural correction: Avoid forward head position while sitting and working on computer. Don't talk on mobile phone in head side holding position for long time. Sit in neck upright position.
2. Take Physiotherapy sessions for fast relief. A skilled Physiotherapist will do manual therapy to correct muscle imbalance and dysfunction. Physiotherapist will apply pain relieving modality for pain relief.
3. Stretching exercises for tight muscles....
4. Strengthening exercises for weak muscles.
5. Moist hot pack at home for 10-15 min at over tight trapezius muscles. Pls make sure hot pack should not be very hot otherwise it can cause skin burn.
6. Take frequent short breaks while working on computer.

For any further advice/assistance call our expert @ 9811448365/9953000901 expert clinician at theracare sports injury clinic.


In UCS there is muscle imbalance due to long hours sitting in bad posture. In India this problem is increasing in corporate employees due to bad posture and bad lifestyle.
In Upper cross syndrome muscles that get tight are :
Upper trapezium , Levator Scapula, Pactorals, Sternocleidomastoid and muscles that get weak are: Rhomboids, Lower Trapezius and Neck Flexors. This muscle imbalance can create pain and dysfunctioning in atlanto-occipital joint, Shoulder joint, cervical joint, cervico-thoracic joint. A person with upper cross syndrome presents with neck pain, headache, shoulder pain, stiffness in neck and at times tingling and numbness in hand.
For any further advice/assistance call our expert @ 9811448365/9953000901 expert clinician at theracare sports injury

Friday 22 September 2017

What are the best treatment tips for tennis elbow

1. Rest your elbow. Don't lift weights. Avoid repetitive elbow movements
2. Do take ice massage. Take an ice cube n rub it along side of elbow for 3 to 5 minutes depending on your tolerance. If your skin is sensitive, use ice pack instead of direct ice massage.
3. You can protect ur elbow by using elbow band( Born life elbow band or Tynor elbow band) or crape bandage.
4. If you have an acute elbow pain, don't do any exercise until pain subsides, but if pain is chronic do elbow stretching exercises
5. If elbow injury happens at Gym, avoid any weight lifting for upper body for few days but you can do cardio or lower leg exercises
6. Take physiotherapy treatment under the guidance of an expert physiotherapist

For any further advice/assistance call our expert @ 9811448365/9953000901 expert clinician at theracare sports injury clinic.

Thursday 7 September 2017

World Physiotherapy Day

***World Physiotherapy Day***
  1. Free Consultation 8th to 12th September 2017For any further advice/assistance call our expert @ 9811448365/9953000901 expert clinician at theracare sports injury clinic.

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Get Relief With Physiotherapy Treatment for TMJ/JAW Pain

Get Relief With Physiotherapy Treatment for TMJ/JAW Pain

1 . Go for physiotherapy assessment by an expert physiotherapist.
2. Hot pack to reduce jaw muscle tightness and improve flexibility.
3. TENS( Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator) to reduce pain.
4. Stretching exercises to reduce pain and jaw muscle flexibility.
5. TMJ mobilizations by an expert physiotherapist
6. Ultrasonic therapy
7. Applying an ice pack to the affected area for 20 minutes.
8.Massaging the neck and head muscles to control tension radiating from the TMJ.

For any further advice/assistance call our expert @ 9811448365/9953000901 expert clinician at theracare sports injury clinic.

Thursday 24 August 2017

Common Causes of (Temro Mendibular Joint)/Jaw Pain

  1. Tooth Problem like wrong alignment of Denture.
  2. Arthritis in the joint.
  3. Stress/Anxiety Causes neck and TMJ muscles stiff. Stress, which can cause you to tighten facial and jaw muscles or clench the teeth.
  4. Teeth Grinding or clinching can also lead to jaw pain which puts a lot of pressure on the joint.
  5. Injury to jaw.
  6. Bad Posture of neck and upper back can also lead to stiffness in neck and jaw muscles.
  7. Movement of the soft cushion or disc between the ball and socket of the joint                                    For any Further Advice/Assistance call our Expert @ 9811448365 Expert clinician at theracare sports injury clinic                                                                                                                                                                       

Wednesday 2 August 2017

5 habits you need to change now to reduce back pain

1. Don't sit in slouched position. If you do long sitting in slouched position, it strains your spine and develops muscle imbalance which increases your back pain. So sit in an Up straight posture for the optimal use of muscles.

2 Don't sit on bed without back support. If you sit on bed for long duration, it strains your tail bone.

3 Avoid too much rest and over exertion. Keep a balance between rest and activity.

4. Avoid unhealthy food and take balanced diet that is rich in Vitamins and proteins for better muscle growth.

5. Avoid using wallet in your back pocket. Wallet in your back pocket can compress sciatica nerve which is running from back of hip and it can increase your back pain.

For any further advice/assistence call our expert @ 9953000901 expert clinician at theracare sports injury clinic.

Sunday 30 July 2017

5 ways to prevent frozen shoulder

1. Don't ignore shoulder pain and take right treatment for that.
2. Use hot pack if there is no swelling.
3. Don't sleep on the side where u have pain....
4. Keep ur shoulder mobile by doing mobility exercises in pain free range under the guidance of expert Physiotherapist.
5. Don't lift heavy weight.

For any further advice/assistence call our expert @ 9811448365 / 9953000901 expert clinician at theracare sports injury clinic.

Cervical Vertical

* Main Causes of vertebral dissection include major trauma, Sports injuries. and chiropractic manipulation.

Cervical vertigo can be prevented by:
* Manual therapy
* Cervical Traction
* Cervical Correction
* Exercise
* Right Posture

For any further advice/assistence call our expert @ 9953000901 expert clinician at theracare sports injury clinic.

Sunday 23 July 2017

Best Home Remedies to treat Hamstring Injury


* Use an elastic bandage around the leg to keep down swelling.
* Take a Pillow on your leg when you are sitting or resting .
* Rest, Icing, Compression, Elevation.
* Rest as much as possible.
* Stretching exercise can relief your pain
* Take physiotherapy treatment from an expert physiotherapist.
* Stretching and strengthening exercise help you out to great edge your recovery.

For any further advice/assistence call our expert @ 9953000901 expert clinician at theracare sports injury clinic.

Monday 17 July 2017

Best Home Remedies to treat Neck Pain

* Avoid using thick pillow for sleeping.
* Correct ur posture and take postural training from an expert Physiotherapist.
* Use moist hot pack one the side of Neck and site of pain. ...
* Take over the counter muscle relaxant or pain killer if u don't have any allergy or stomach issue or u don't have any systemic problem.
* Do mild neck stretching exercises.
* Do mild massage around neck but not over the spine.
* Get an X ray done if pain persist for long duration.
* Consult a doctor if pain is severe.

For any further advice/assistence call our expert @ 9953000901 expert clinician at theracare sports injury clinic.

Sunday 16 July 2017

Best treatment tips for tennis elbow

* Use ice pack over elbow.
* Do stretching exercises for arm.
* Take rest and don't over use your wrist or elbow
* Don't lift heavy weight.
* while sleeping don't put your elbow below your head.
* Take physiotherapy treatment from an expert physiotherapist.

For any further advice/assistence call our expert @ 9953000901 expert clinician at theracare sports injury clinic.

Thursday 13 July 2017

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Best tips for selecting a sleeping mattress to avoid Back Pain


Sleeping on the wrong mattress can lead to back pain. A good mattress gives you a correct sleeping posture. It relaxes your muscles and gives you a relaxed sleep.

We are helping you to find a mattress which suits you. Here are some good features of a good mattress that you should keep in mind when you go to buy one. Our intention is not to promote a specific brand but to help you in making the right selection.

However you must consult your physiotherapist (If you are visiting someone) before you buy one.

Best mattress for different categories of sleepers

1. Back Sleepers:- Mattress should not be firm or soft enough. A medium firm mattress is good for this kind of sleepers .
2. Side Sleepers:- Mattress with slight softness is good for your shoulder and hips which gives cushion to them and prevents hip or shoulder pain.
3. Stomach Sleepers:- This is the position people generally adopt because of the back pain. Need a firm mattress to keep them afloat.

So how to choose one to get relief from back pain

1. Good Quality matters a lot. Don't compromise on it.
2. Foam memory comes in a range of density providing anything from a soft mattress to medium and low. Select yours depending on your primary sleeping position.
3. Always keep changing the directions of your mattress. Flip your mattress in different directions because same position generates a pressure at a particular point which causes injury in the long run.
4. You can use inner spring mattress that are widely used .They support you with coil springs. In most built today, each coil is individually enclosed which helps to prevent the coil from popping out of the mattress.

                    Happy and pain free sleep to you :-)