Sunday 7 August 2016

Back & Neck Pain Relief

Are you a suffering from neck and back pain and taking pain killers to keep yourself going all through the day? These problems could be because of incorrect posture or prolonged sitting hours. Along with this poor nutrition and stress plays a significant role in worsening your problem. Your job demands you to sit and work over the computers but unaware of correct posture strategies you might land up into inability to carry on as pains gets severe and constraints you.

Back pain also known as dorsopathy is pain felt on the back and neck pain can be felt at back of neck and along the shoulder blades. This may come from spine, muscles, and nerves and may have radiations. 

To prevent these problems and reduce the occurrence you may take a few precautionary steps by following these simple tips:
  1.      Assume a proper neck and back posture with a support at the back while working on computers or any desk job.
  1.      If your job demands you to sit on computers for longer duration than you need to relax your neck and shoulder muscles by taking frequent breaks in between the work.
  2.      Neck exercises are very beneficial in maintaining the muscles in proper strength and conditioning. Move your neck forward, backward, sideways and rotation. Repeat each step for ten times and at least two times a day.
  3.           Move your shoulder in clock wise and then anti clock wise direction. Do it ten times for both the sides.
  4.          Take lots of fluid and proper diet.
  5.          Do exercises for maintain over all fitness of the body with morning walks or jogging or other exercises you do in routine .
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