We are helping you to find a mattress which suits you. Here are some good features of a good mattress that you should keep in mind when you go to buy one. Our intention is not to promote a specific brand but to help you in making the right selection.
However you must consult your physiotherapist (If you are visiting someone) before you buy one.
Best mattress for different categories of sleepers
1. Back Sleepers:- Mattress should not be firm or soft enough. A medium firm mattress is good for this kind of sleepers .
2. Side Sleepers:- Mattress with slight softness is good for your shoulder and hips which gives cushion to them and prevents hip or shoulder pain.
3. Stomach Sleepers:- This is the position people generally adopt because of the back pain. Need a firm mattress to keep them afloat.
So how to choose one to get relief from back pain
1. Good Quality matters a lot. Don't compromise on it.
2. Foam memory comes in a range of density providing anything from a soft mattress to medium and low. Select yours depending on your primary sleeping position.
3. Always keep changing the directions of your mattress. Flip your mattress in different directions because same position generates a pressure at a particular point which causes injury in the long run.
4. You can use inner spring mattress that are widely used .They support you with coil springs. In most built today, each coil is individually enclosed which helps to prevent the coil from popping out of the mattress.
Happy and pain free sleep to you :-)