Sunday 29 July 2018

How Can Physiotherapy, enhance athlete Sports Performance

At Thear care physiotherapy & Sports injury clinic, we focus on every aspect of an athlete’s health and performance. We address the issue & Prevent injuries, Help to athlete’s quick bounce back after an injury.we are able to address a comprehensive range of issues that go into improving every athlete’us game.

We balance exercise science, physiological factors & nutrition to treat the athlete.  Treatment techniques include electrotherapy, muscle strengthening, Myofascial release (massage therapy), and core stability training.
Our aim is to restore function and mobility, manage or reduce pain, and return an individual sport. We understand the demands of training and advise on how to prevent injuries, relieve pain, and optimize performance.

We treat all Sports injury Conditions:

Spine- Back and Neck
Hand - wrist and fingers
Elbow- Tennis and Golfer elbow,
Knee - Ligaments injuries, runner's knee,  Meniscal tears, Bursitis, Tendonitis, Tendon Tears
Hip- Muscle strains and tendinitis, Iliotibial (IT) band syndrome.Labral tears of cartilage
Shoulder- Impingement Syndrome, Rotator Cuff Tears, Biceps Injuries, Labral Tears, Thrower's Shoulder, Rugby Shoulder.,Swimmers Shoulder
Ankle/Foot- Achilles tendinitis, Plantar Fasciitis, Stress Fractures, Ankle Sprain, Heel Spur.

Approach use for athlete treatment

Pre and post-op exercise programs and therapy
Soft tissue mobilization
Restorative manual therapy
Joint mobilization
Muscle strengthening exercises
Stretches exercises
Trigger point release
Functional training (Push, pull, bend, stand, Rotation Movement basic workout )
Plyometrics Training,
Sport-Specific Skill Training (Stability, Strength, Pawar, Flexibility training Workouts)

Theracare has specific skilled Sports Physiotherapist  Doctors for all these techniques & exercises
For any further advice/assistance call our expert @ 9811448365/9953000901 expert clinician at Theracare Sports Injury clinic.

Sunday 22 July 2018

How to improve your golf through exercises

If player perform exercise in the guidance of  Sports Physiotherapist or technical golf coach than a player can improve his swing, checking for malfunctions, making sure everything is working just right.

Golf is one of the most technical sports, and it requires a great deal of muscular balance. An athlete's motor skills need to be right on point and move harmoniously to facilitate the most efficient swing. With many golfers, the most common physical limitations with regard to muscle balance are lack of internal hip rotation, lack of external shoulder rotation. and lack of spine rotation.  The following corrective golf swing exercises will help golfers perfect their swing and ultimately improve their game.

Always start with Warm up - Running 5-10 minutes of dynamic warm-ups like Arm swing, leg swing, wall slides, shoulder turns, and torso back swings etc.

Flexibility Is As Important for golf:-  Golfer needs to achieve flexibility and mobility to increase rotary aspect to the swing,  we recommend flexibility exercise windshield wipers, piriformis stretches, kneeling hip flexor presses, and stork turns.

Core Strength:- During perform the golf swing, you have to maintain, a fixed spine angle, certain postural positions, you need stability or strength, particularly in the core region these are exercises help develop more core strength & stability. Front planks, side planks, bent knee, back holds work, back extension, bent knee back presses in with an exercise ball(Sitting).

Cool Down:- Always Cool-down with static stretching like Gletes static stretch, Standing Hamstring stretch, standing side bending, stretch calves & ankle, static shoulder stretch, or use form roller for Myofascial release to loosen muscles & decrease their risk of injury.

Theracare has specific skilled Sports Physiotherapist  Doctors for all these techniques & exercises
For any further advice/assistance call our expert @ 9811448365/9953000901 expert clinician at Theracare Sports Injury clinic.

Sunday 15 July 2018

How to mobilization or manipulation techniques help relieve spinal pain.

Spinal mobilization involves loosening up the restricted joint and increasing its range of motion by providing slow velocity (i.e. speed) and increasing amplitude movement directly into the barrier of a joint, moving the actual bone surfaces on each other in ways patients cannot move the joint themselves. These mobilizations should be painless unless the operator approaches the barrier too aggressively.

The aim of these techniques is to relieve pain and improve the mobility of joints. In mobilization, the therapist slowly moves the joint within its natural range of movement. Manipulation therapy, on the other hand, involves using short, sharp movements to push a joint beyond its normal range of movement. This is also known as chiropractic adjustment.

Dr Anoop Jain during performing mobilization  

We use many techniques mobilization or manipulation :

Soft tissue mobilization
Spinal Manipulation
Osteopathic Manipulation
Strain-Counterstrain Techniques
Muscle Energy Techniques
High Velocity, Low Amplitude Thrusting

Theracare has specific skilled Physiotherapist Doctors for all these techniques.
For any further advice/assistance call our expert @ 9811448365/9953000901 expert clinician at theracare sports injury clinic.

Sunday 8 July 2018

Indication & Benefits of Craniosacral therapy

Craniosacral therapy

CranioSacral Therapy encourages the body’s natural healing process through the use of a gentle touch and light pressure. The craniosacral system includes our brain, spinal cord, nerves, and the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding them.
Cranial sacral treatment can be utilized for individuals everything being equal. It might be a piece of your treatment for conditions like:

·       Headaches and cerebral pains
·       Obstruction
·       Crabby inside disorder (IBS)
·       Aggravated rest cycles and a sleeping disorder
·       Scoliosis
·       Sinus diseases
·       Neck torment
·       Fibromyalgia
·       Intermittent ear contaminations or colic in newborn children
·       TMJ
·       Injury recuperation, including injury from whiplash
·       State of mind issue like uneasiness or dejection

Benefits of Craniosacral therapy

·       Healing, alleviating a range of illness and dysfunction, including chronic pain, central nervous system disorders,
·       Improved functioning of the autonomic nervous system, enabling the body to respond more effectively to stress
·       Improved immune system function
·       Release of tissue and bone restrictions, improving mobility
·       Tension release
·       Pain alleviation
·       Energy flow
      Overall relaxation and revitalization

Thursday 28 September 2017

How to fix upper cross syndrome:

1. Postural correction: Avoid forward head position while sitting and working on computer. Don't talk on mobile phone in head side holding position for long time. Sit in neck upright position.
2. Take Physiotherapy sessions for fast relief. A skilled Physiotherapist will do manual therapy to correct muscle imbalance and dysfunction. Physiotherapist will apply pain relieving modality for pain relief.
3. Stretching exercises for tight muscles....
4. Strengthening exercises for weak muscles.
5. Moist hot pack at home for 10-15 min at over tight trapezius muscles. Pls make sure hot pack should not be very hot otherwise it can cause skin burn.
6. Take frequent short breaks while working on computer.

For any further advice/assistance call our expert @ 9811448365/9953000901 expert clinician at theracare sports injury clinic.


In UCS there is muscle imbalance due to long hours sitting in bad posture. In India this problem is increasing in corporate employees due to bad posture and bad lifestyle.
In Upper cross syndrome muscles that get tight are :
Upper trapezium , Levator Scapula, Pactorals, Sternocleidomastoid and muscles that get weak are: Rhomboids, Lower Trapezius and Neck Flexors. This muscle imbalance can create pain and dysfunctioning in atlanto-occipital joint, Shoulder joint, cervical joint, cervico-thoracic joint. A person with upper cross syndrome presents with neck pain, headache, shoulder pain, stiffness in neck and at times tingling and numbness in hand.
For any further advice/assistance call our expert @ 9811448365/9953000901 expert clinician at theracare sports injury

Friday 22 September 2017

What are the best treatment tips for tennis elbow

1. Rest your elbow. Don't lift weights. Avoid repetitive elbow movements
2. Do take ice massage. Take an ice cube n rub it along side of elbow for 3 to 5 minutes depending on your tolerance. If your skin is sensitive, use ice pack instead of direct ice massage.
3. You can protect ur elbow by using elbow band( Born life elbow band or Tynor elbow band) or crape bandage.
4. If you have an acute elbow pain, don't do any exercise until pain subsides, but if pain is chronic do elbow stretching exercises
5. If elbow injury happens at Gym, avoid any weight lifting for upper body for few days but you can do cardio or lower leg exercises
6. Take physiotherapy treatment under the guidance of an expert physiotherapist

For any further advice/assistance call our expert @ 9811448365/9953000901 expert clinician at theracare sports injury clinic.